Q: How do I tell if my students’ difficulty is due to a technology issue or because my exam was configured incorrectly?
A: In general, if only a few students are experiencing difficulties, it is likely not a campus-wide or widespread issue. However, it is important to keep in mind that technology issues can be localized (for example, internet outage in Sherwood Park), even though it might affect a good number of students.
To ensure your exam is set up correctly, please consider using our Exam and Test Setting Review service.
Q: I have several students emailing me describing a similar issue. How can I test out the issue they described?
A: We encourage all instructors to “test” their exams using the Preview User function in Blackboard. The preview user function will create a preview user student account, which allows you to double-check your exam configuration as the students would experience it.
Q: My students keep telling me they have technical difficulty during the exam, but I can’t figure out what their issues are.
A: Encourage your students to take some screen captures about the issue they experience, especially if there is an error message. If they only share their screen captures with instructors, it is not considered a violation of the academic integrity — don’t worry, it is not sharing exam content. A screen shot of an error message can be very helpful for us to assist you and your students further.
For more information, please visit the eLearning Office website.
From the eLearning Office.
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