Student Research Day will be held virtually on April 26, 2021.

Student Research Day is held annually to showcase and celebrate the faculty-mentored research, scholarly and creative achievements of MacEwan University students across all faculties and disciplines. Students get the opportunity to develop research poster and/or presentation skills that may serve to support graduate school applications and/or prepare them for future careers in academia, the public/private sector, creative industries and the community.

This year, students have the option to submit a research poster (with a live-chat function on the day of the event) or do a live/pre-recorded presentation with a live Q&A session. If your students have creative performances, they can be submitted as a live/pre-recorded presentation in a video file format.

Application submissions to participate in Student Research Day are open from February 1 – March 1, 2021. Please encourage your students to apply to present their research:!

For any questions regarding Student Research Day, please contact the Office of Research Services at

From the Office of Research Services