One month ago, in my installation address, I spoke about how MacEwan University is experiencing a time of transformational change. As we prepare to mark our university’s 50th year in 2021, we must look to the big decisions that got us to where we are today and reflect on what our future should be.
In the same address, I mentioned that we would soon begin a strategic vision process. We have been working to create a framework that will lead us through that multi-phase process. While I will be sharing more about our plans in the coming weeks, I invite you to join us in launching the first phase with a series of Thought Leader Sessions.
Please mark your calendar for Thursday, December 10 from 12:15 to 1 p.m. and plan to attend our first session with Kate White, deputy minister of jobs, economy and innovation. Deputy Minister White will provide an economic update and offer a look at the province’s forecasts – critical information as we begin to consider how MacEwan can help drive Alberta’s recovery.
Watch for more information about the overall strategic vision process and how you can participate over the next week in a special edition of my president’s column and a new page on
I am incredibly proud to be leading MacEwan through this process, and I hope you will actively engage in creating a strategic vision that belongs to all of us. Together, I know we can shape a future that we can all be excited about – one that will ensure our university’s continued growth and success.
Dr. Annette Trimbee
President and Vice-Chancellor
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