At the end of February 2020, MacEwan University’s Employees’ Code of Conduct online course was launched. The purpose of this course is to facilitate a common understanding of the ethical standards that the university expects of its employees in order to foster and sustain an environment of trust, collegiality and openness. It also ensures we meet our legislative requirements. It is a mandatory course for the university’s continuing, term and casual employees. At this time, sessional faculty are not required to complete the course.

The initial deadline for completing the training was June 1, 2020.

Thank you to the employees that have completed the training.

If you were registered in the course prior to June 1 and have not yet completed the training, please do so as soon as possible.

  • Applicable new employees must complete the training within three months of their start date at MacEwan.
  • Applicable employees returning from a leave of absence are asked to complete the training within one month of returning to work.

We ask that managers follow-up with employees to ensure course completion.

To access the eLearning Code of Conduct Course:

  • Log in to the MacEwan portal
  • Navigate to the Quick Links menu on the left of the screen
  • Click on Blackboard Learn
  • Look for the My Courses box/module
  • Click on Code of Conduct 2020

More information on the Code of Conduct, along with resource materials can be found on the Human Resources > Information for Employees page in

Please send direct comments or questions regarding the Code of Conduct to

From Human Resources