Continue to take your core strength to the next level with our third exercise in our loaded carry series- Front-Loaded Carry.

Simple yet effective, loaded carries consist of “loading” oneself with weight and walking for a predetermined distance or time. Loaded carries allow for a lot of variety and they target several areas of the body, providing good bang for your buck. These are great exercises to target core strength, hip/knee stability, and grip strength.

Equipment Needs:

  • Kettlebell, Dumbbell, 

Muscle Groups Targeted:

  • Core as a whole, quadratus lumborum, forearm muscle groups, gluteus med.

Starting Position:

  • Two Kettlebells held in a racked position (held against the body at chest height with KB resting on forearms).


  • Initiate lift into a racked position. Holding the weights close to the body to avoid arm/shoulder fatigue. Once the KBs are racked, begin to walk at a normal pace maintaining an upright position.

Recommended Sets and Reps:
2-4 rounds

  • Rehabilitation: 25% of bodyweight carried for 30 s
  • General fitness: 50% of bodyweight carried for 30 s
  • Elite sports performance: 75% of bodyweight carried for 30 s


  • To progress the move, increase the weight or distance traveled.

Check out the previous tip in this series Suitcase Carry

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by Kyle Dunlop

Kyle Dunlop holds a Bachelor of Kinesiology and is certified with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He specializes in strength, power training, and teaching fundamental movements to individuals and athletes to reduce injury.