Nordic Curls are the third exercise in our four-part series on hamstring and low back health. Nordic Curls vary from the previous exercises in that the knee is where the rotation of the person and therefore resistance is located. As a result, this movement tends to place more emphasis on the hamstring muscles that are more concentrated at the knee while still placing demand on the postural muscles of the back.   


  • Strengthen the part of the hamstrings and calf closest to the knee by using loaded lengthening contractions through a full range of motion

Muscle Groups Targeted 

  • Spinal erectors, hip extensors, knee flexors, calves

Starting Position

  • Start kneeling with toes pulled into shins and anchored on the floor or in a glute-ham-raise machine


  • Stay as straight as possible from knees to shoulders and slowly lower yourself into as low a position as possible while maintaining posture
  • Pull yourself back into starting position

Recommended sets and repetitions 

  • Three sets of 3-5 reps if new to the exercise
  • Progress movement with greater range of movement until trunk can reach a level parallel with the ground, once this is reached, increases in repetitions are more appropriate

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by Devin Clayton

Devin is a Bachelors of Physical Education graduate from the University of Alberta. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and is a NCCP certified Weightlifting coach.