Glute-Ham-Raises are the fourth and final exercise in our hamstring and Low-Back health series. The hamstrings group is responsible for multiple muscle actions in the lower body namely knee flexion and hip extension. Glute-Ham-Raises builds off of the last exercise in our series, Nordic Curls, by adding hip extension to the movement which allows both of the previously mentioned muscle actions to be utilized. At the bottom of the movement, the knee is fully extended and hip is flexed, putting the muscles in their weakest position and allowing the following contraction to be as challenging as possible.


  • Strengthen both the Hamstrings and Calf by using loaded lengthening contractions through a full range of motion

Muscle Groups Targeted

  • Spinal erectors, hip extensors, knee flexors, calves

Starting Position

  • Start kneeling with toes pulled into shins and anchored in a glute-ham-raise machine


  • Stay as straight as possible from knees to shoulders and slowly lower yourself until you are parallel with the ground in as straight a position as possible
  • Once parallel with the ground, flex your trunk forward so that your head is as close to the ground as possible
  • Immediately Pull yourself back into starting position as fast as possible while doing the same movement steps in reverse

Recommended sets and repetitions

  • Three sets of 3-5 reps if new to the exercise
  • Progress movement with greater range of movement until trunk can reach a level parallel with the ground, once this is reached, increases in repetitions are more appropriate

Check out Nordic Curls

by Devin Clayton

Devin is a Bachelors of Physical Education graduate from the University of Alberta. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and is a NCCP certified Weightlifting coach.