Our Fourth and final exercise in this series is a Rudiment Box Hop. For Endurance athletes, performing this movement allows for the refinement of lower body strength and power that the previous three exercises have helped develop. Furthermore, This movement involves joint positions and forces that are similar to those they will experience in their chosen sport. Due to the similarity of this exercise to the conditions that you may experience in your sport, this could be a great exercise to add to your repertoire in the last few weeks before your chosen event!

Rudiment Box Hops (plyometric progression)


  • Refine Lower Body Strength and Power by utilizing the stretch reflexes of the lower body

Muscle groups targeted

  • Quadriceps, Calf, Glutes, Achilles/Quadricep/Patellar Tendons

Starting position

  • Begin standing on the balls of the feet in as tall a position as possible with feet directly under hips


  • Begin hopping on the spot with as if the ground were hot, on your third contact propel yourself onto the other box
  • Absorb the landing on the second box as quickly and quietly as possible before returning to the start position

Recommended sets and repetitions

  • 3-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions with 15-20 seconds between repetitions
  • Begin with a relatively small drop and build towards progressively higher boxes to drop from and to jump on to

Check out the third exercise Hang Clean Pull

by Devin Clayton

Devin is a Bachelors of Physical Education graduate from the University of Alberta. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and is a NCCP certified Weightlifting coach.