Athlete’s at all levels are constantly looking for that extra 1% improvement. Ergogenic aids can be difference maker, be it natural from food or processed in the form of supplements. Most supplements are derived and processed from everyday food we see in the grocery store. One root vegetable has become popular as of late with endurance athletes – beets.

Beets, particularly beet root juice, is being used by endurance athletes to enhance the effects of training and achieve greater performance benchmarks. Beetroot juice increases levels of nitric oxide (NO), which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow, gas exchange, mitochondrial biogenesis and efficiency, and strengthening of muscle contraction[1]. Based on these biomarkers, improvements in performance may be achieved by supplementing with beetroot juice.

Benefits of Beets

Dominguez et al selected 23 articles for systematic review and analysis. Some studies found that beetroot juice can improve cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes by increasing efficiency. This improves performance at various distances, increases time to exhaustion at submaximal intensities, and may improve the cardiorespiratory performance at anaerobic threshold intensities and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2Max). Based on their findings, beet root juice may help you run longer by increasing efficiency and time to exhaustion as well as maintain performance at higher intensities.

Other studies found that the benefits of supplementing with beet root juice may be undermined by the interaction with other supplements such as caffeine.

How does it work?

Beetroot juice is used as a supplement because of its high inorganic nitrate (NO3) content, a compound found naturally in vegetables and in processed meats, where it is used as a preservative. NO alows more oxygen to flow by increasing the size of blood vessels.

Intake of beetroot juice should be initiated within 90 minutes before athletic effort, since the peak value of NO3 occurs within 2–3 h after ingestion.


  • Acute supplementation with beetroot juice may have an effect on increasing power output (Watts) at the same VO2 level.
  • Chronic supplementation with beetroot juice may improve cardiorespiratory performance at the anaerobic threshold and VOMax intensities.


[1] Dominguez, Raul et al. Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2017 Jan; 9(1): 43