Equipment needed: Barbell

Muscle groups used: Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, biceps

How to Perform:

  • Hold the bar with palms down, hands and feet set shoulder width apart.
  • Starting position is with a flat back parallel to the floor, knees slightly bent and the bar in hand.
  • Pull the bar towards your body contracting shoulder blades and arms while keeping the elbows close to the body. Keep chest up and spine neutral, making sure not to arch the back.
  • The final position has the bar against the abdomen.
  • Control the bar as it lowers back down towards the ground until you are back in the starting position.


  • To simplify – use a bar with no weight and master the correct form.
  • To add difficulty – add more weight, but only as much as you can maintain with proper technique.

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