Target Muscle Groups: Muscle groups used: Back Extension – erector spinae, glutes, hamstrings. Plank – erector spinae, rectus abdominis (abs), and transverse abdominus

Equipment needed: Stability ball.

Performance Points:

  • Partner A will set themselves up on the Swissball. The ball should align with the hips.
    • Inhale and flex forward to end to the bottom of the motion, then exhale and extend up as high as possible before returning to start position.
  • Partner B supports partner A’s feet to stabilize them and assumes a plank position.
    • Shoulders aligned directly above hands with the body in a straight line keeping abdominals , glutes, and back engaged for the duration of the exercise.


  • Simplify – perform plank off of the knees or reduce range of motion of the back extensions.
  • Intensify – try adding a push up in the plank position, or hold a weight while performing back extensions.

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by Megan Denholm

Megan is a Bachelor of Kinesiology graduate from the University of Alberta. She is a CSEP-CPT certified Fitness Consultant with the MacEwan University Sport and Wellness fitness team.